Research Article

Utilizing Facebook and Messenger Groups as Platforms for Delivering Mathematics Interventions in Modular Distance Learning

Alvin Odon Insorio 1 2 3 * , Jocelynda Almendrala Olivarez 3
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1 College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal University, PHILIPPINES2 San Pedro College of Business Administration, PHILIPPINES3 San Pedro Relocation Center National High School - Main Campus, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 3(1), 2021, ep2109,
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Modular distance learning is the most implemented learning delivery modality in the Philippines, wherein students learn the lessons through the help of self-learning modules. However, students struggle to learn mathematics lessons independently under this modality based on summative tests and performance tasks’ results from the first grading period using self-learning modules. So, interventions must be placed by using social media platforms preferred by most of the students to reach and help them. The study aimed to assess the utilization of Facebook and Messenger groups as platforms for delivering video lessons and activities, learning materials, administering the test, and answering queries of the students in grade 9 Mathematics following the modified PDSA model. The study employed a practical action research design utilizing surveys, interviews, and test materials as data collection methods validated by master teachers and a head teacher. The pretest was administered before two months of interventions. After that, the posttest, survey, and interview were administered. Based on the results, the pretest scores are statistically different from the posttest scores. It means the interventions via Facebook and Messenger groups help students cope with modular distance learning challenges. The interventions done by the teacher were effective based on the computed effect size so that the students able to learn mathematics competencies despite having in the comfort of their houses. As a result, students better understand the mathematics lessons and enjoy learning at their own pace.


Insorio, A. O., & Olivarez, J. A. (2021). Utilizing Facebook and Messenger Groups as Platforms for Delivering Mathematics Interventions in Modular Distance Learning. International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 3(1), ep2109.


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