Research Article

The role of professional experience in the entrepreneurial intention in higher education

Fernando Almeida 1 2 *
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1 University of Porto, Porto, PORTUGAL2 ISPGAYA & INESC TEC, Porto, PORTUGAL* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 5(1), January 2023, ep2303,
Published Online: 23 December 2022, Published: 01 January 2023
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This study analysis the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of 236 students attending higher education considering a heterogeneous sample of students with diverse profiles and work experience, which allows exploring its role in EI. The findings confirm that understanding EI requires considering a multidimensional model that includes attitude toward entrepreneurship, perceived entrepreneurial capacity, perceived social norms, and entrepreneurship education (EE). Furthermore, students with professional experience manifest a higher EI and a higher perception of the role that EE can play in the process of establishing a start-up.


Almeida, F. (2023). The role of professional experience in the entrepreneurial intention in higher education. International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 5(1), ep2303.


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