Research Article
The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Participation Rate in Extracurricular Activities of Students from a Catholic Education Institution
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1 Gordon College, PHILIPPINES2 Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School, PHILIPPINES3 DepEd SDO-Bulacan, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 3(1), July 2021, ep2107,
OPEN ACCESS 2668 Views 4144 Downloads
Multiple intelligences and extracurricular activities are two variables that may affect a student’s academic and non-academic performance in school. This study aimed at describing and finding the relationship between multiple intelligences and participation rates in extracurricular activities of students from a Catholic educational institution. The study also used a descriptive-correlational design. For the respondents, the study randomly selected a sample of 200 students studying within the academic year of 2017-2018 from a Catholic educational institution. For the instrument, this study adapted the Multiple Intelligence Survey developed by Chislett and Chapman (2006) and Extracurricular Activities Survey by Kelley (2012). The study analyzed and treated statistically the collected data using rank and Spearman Rho with the help of SPSS 20. The findings revealed that visual intelligence emerged as the top-ranked multiple intelligences. Dance/ sports club emerged as the top extracurricular activities took part by most of the students. Also, there was no statistical evidence of the relationship between the multiple intelligences and participation rate to extracurricular activities of the students. Based on the result, the researchers provided pertinent recommendations for teachers, students, and the institution.
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