Research Article

Solo, Paired, Group: A Phenomenological Dimension on the Learning Situations of STEM Students in Pre-Calculus

Norman Cuello Barroso 1 *
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1 Tanza National Comprehensive High School, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(2), 2020, ep2007,
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Mathematics learning is one of the main goals of teaching Mathematics. Many researches have look on ways and different perspectives to improve mathematics’ achievement. Among these is considering how students learn inside the class which was categorized into grouped, paired, and solo learning. These variables will be extensively discussed and research will be exhausted to provide better understanding of the research problem. This study aimed to explore the phenomenological dimensions on the learning situations of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students in Pre-Calculus. Qualitative design specifically a phenomenological study was utilized in the study. Purposive sampling methodology was used and the criteria of selecting participants are one mathematically inclined, average and low performing students per section. Moreover, audio recordings of the structured interview and focus group discussions were utilized as basis in thematic analysis of the study. Self, paired and group study revealed as the learning situations and strategies of grade 11 STEM students in Pre-Calculus. The practices of STEM students in learning Pre-Calculus are use of online resources, review lectures, study with friend, paired with intelligent student or low performing student, and listen, share and facilitate group study. The themes emerged on the experiences of STEM students in studying Pre-Calculus are lack of comprehension, clarified solutions and inability to raise queries for low performing students; learn alternative solutions, interchange ideas and raise questions for average students; and share ideas and facilitate teaching and learning for mathematically inclined students. The study is limited on the after-class learning extension activities of the participants of the study on three learning strategies in which it ensured diverse learning strategy that could possibly lead to different learning successes of students.


Barroso, N. C. (2020). Solo, Paired, Group: A Phenomenological Dimension on the Learning Situations of STEM Students in Pre-Calculus. International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(2), ep2007.


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