Research Article
Messenger lectures and video lessons as mathematics interventions for modular distance learning
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1 College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal University, Manila, PHILIPPINES2 San Pedro College of Business Administration, Laguna, PHILIPPINES3 Pacita Complex National High School, Laguna, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 5(1), January 2023, ep2306,
Submitted: 19 August 2022, Published: 28 February 2023
OPEN ACCESS 2354 Views 1294 Downloads
Providing self-learning modules and other printed materials under modular distance learning in the Philippines does not guarantee the acquisition of learning competencies, particularly in mathematics, wherein explanation and illustration of concepts, principles, and procedures demand the teacher’s clarification. To address this, Facebook Messenger was used as a platform to communicate with the students and deliver interventions like lectures through posting slides with voice clips and video lessons. This study aimed to establish the effectiveness of the said interventions for grade 7 mathematics using practical action research. Test material, questionnaire, and interview guide were the instruments used in collecting data validated by a master teacher and two head teachers in mathematics education. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 23 and qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, lectures and video lessons through Facebook Messenger helped students understand the mathematical concepts and procedures for solving mathematical problems. It means that the said interventions via Facebook Messenger were adequate for the students to cope with the learning challenges in mathematics brought by modular distance learning. However, the students suggested that sustain the interventions for a longer time.
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