Research Article

Learning Evaluation of Mathematics during the Pandemic Period COVID-19 in Jakarta

Rizal Kamsurya 1 *
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1 Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Media Nusantara Citra, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(2), July 2020, ep2008,
Submitted: 21 May 2020, Published: 30 July 2020
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This research aims to evaluate the learning of mathematics at the college level conducted through distance learning programs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta. This research is a type of evaluation research using the Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) model that is (1) context consists of program background and program planning (2) Inputs include of students readiness, teaching materials, facilities and infrastructures (3) process consisting of teaching methods and constraints in learning, and (4) the product consists of understanding and learning outcomes. Respondents in this study amounted to 155 students spread across five colleges in Jakarta. The instruments used for data collection are unstructured questionnaires and interviews. The validity of the device used is expert judgment. Furthermore, data is analyzed in a descriptive and interpretation to obtain an accurate picture of factual conditions in the field. The results showed that the mathematical learning conducted through distance learning at higher education in Jakarta needs improvement and improvement in quality from various aspects such as preparation, facilities and infrastructure, material materials, and learning methods used in the effort to achieve the objectives of the established differentiation. It based on the evaluation result on the context component; Score value 3.325 with outstanding category, input component; Score 2.86 by good category, process components; Score 2.80 by good grade, and product component; Score 2.26 with the less good group.


Kamsurya, R. (2020). Learning Evaluation of Mathematics during the Pandemic Period COVID-19 in Jakarta. International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(2), ep2008.


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