Research Article
Implementing online social-emotional learning programs for K-12 leaders: A focus on professional development for teachers
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1 Colorado State University Pueblo, Pueblo, CO, USA* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 7(1), January 2025, e2506,
Submitted: 05 September 2024, Published: 02 January 2025
OPEN ACCESS 61 Views 62 Downloads
The purpose of the basic qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of K-12 online teachers to understand leadership support needed for teachers who are implementing social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula. A basic qualitative study was used for the research design. Participants were recruited through LinkedIn, a social media site, and the target size of the sample size was 15 K-12 online teachers living in the United States. Fifteen participants could not be located using LinkedIn, so snowball sampling was employed. Snowball sampling allowed for recruitment of research participants by asking the current participants to assist in identifying other potential subjects. An open-ended questionnaire was provided to participants who voluntarily participated in the study. A follow-up focus group was conducted with five members who participated in the questionnaire. Focus group participants contextualized the questionnaire responses by expounding on experiences and giving responses in further depth. Findings of the research were shared with teachers, administrators, and other educational stakeholders. In order for SEL to be implemented effectively in an online K-12 setting, professional development is critical.
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