Research Article

English for specific purposes in Spain: Project based learning classroom proposal in vocational education

Manuel Macías 1 2 *
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1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN2 Universidad Isabel I, Burgos, SPAIN* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 5(1), January 2023, ep2305,
Published: 26 February 2023
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Society is constantly changing, and education should change at the same time. However, innovation in education is slower than changes in society. Active methodologies are of interest because they are one of the alternatives to linear, traditional and uniform methodologies that encourage reflection, motivation and creativity among other elements. In addition, they cater for different educational settings and the diversity found within the classroom. It is an interesting approach that is a far cry from traditional education in language teaching. The main objective of this paper is to explore whether project-based learning (hereinafter PBL) is a good practice for young vocational students. The problem to be addressed here by this methodology is the lack of motivation and involvement of vocational students in the subject of English–or English for specific purposes. To address this matter, we proposed a seven-session class design following the PBL methodology. This class proposal is designed following criteria that meet the current legislation and normative in Spain (LOMCE and LOMLOE laws) and criteria that meet the standards of European vocational formation and English for specific purposes (addressing the CERFL). Analyzing the results obtained, we can state that PBL seems to be an effective methodology with significant results especially in the field of teaching and learning ESL and EFL vocabulary.


Macías, M. (2023). English for specific purposes in Spain: Project based learning classroom proposal in vocational education. International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 5(1), ep2305.


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