Research Article
The important aspects for students in learning geometry: Mathematics teachers’ perspective
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1 Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning, 7(2), July 2025, e2512,
Submitted: 26 August 2024, Published Online: 28 January 2025, Published: 01 July 2025
OPEN ACCESS 113 Views 75 Downloads
Geometry is one of the required mathematics courses for students at every educational level. This study examined mathematics teachers’ perspectives on the important aspects of learning geometry. Three junior high school mathematics teachers participated in this study, which formed the basis for this exploratory investigation. A qualitative approach was used for this study and interviews were conducted to gather data. Using semi-structured interviews, each teacher’s conversation lasted between thirty and one hour. The teachers’ perspective highlighted three cognitive abilities to consider when assisting students in learning geometry: spatial thinking, problem-solving abilities, and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). Spatial thinking is one of the skills that students must acquire to make geometry easier to study. Students’ mental visualization and manipulation of geometric objects is a component of spatial thinking. Students’ ability to perceive objects holds the key to understanding geometry holistically. Problem-solving proficiency and HOTS are other areas in which students continue to struggle. Introducing students to problem-solving exercises can be a beneficial exercise for improving their thinking skills, which in turn will help familiarize them with HOTS. Teachers provide contextual problems as a way to help students overcome their inability to understand the mathematical context of geometry, which makes geometry easier for them to understand.
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