Research Article

Effectiveness of Mathematics Teacher Education Training in Nigeria: An Assessment of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Learning Needs

Muhammad Alhaji Ibrahim 1 2 * , Wun Thiam Yew 2, Nordin Bin Abd Razak 2
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1 Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa, Jigawa State, NIGERIA2 Unversiti Sains Malaysia, MALAYSIA* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(1), January 2020, ep2003,
Published: 03 June 2020
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Little emphasis has been given on the pre-service mathematics teachers’ learning needs on the required subject matter knowledge and skills for which they have been expected to possess at their final level of graduation, as a basis for teaching secondary school mathematics. This study employed qualitative research design, in which 30 pre-service mathematics have been interviewed on their mathematics learning needs. The finding of the study revealed that learning experiences of the training was adequate, but there is disconnection between the training curriculum and school mathematics subject matter for which the pre-service teachers have been train to teach. The pre-service mathematics teachers have viewed lecturer of the program as non-supportive which prevent them from active learning. This suggests that the program should include school mathematics curriculum in the training to enable the pre-service mathematics teachers to acquire the subject matter knowledge for which they have been train to teach. Lecturers of the program should change their attitude and behavior which might have adverse effect on pre-service mathematics teachers’ learning.


Ibrahim, M. A., Yew, W. T., & Abd Razak, N. B. (2020). Effectiveness of Mathematics Teacher Education Training in Nigeria: An Assessment of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Learning Needs. International Journal of Pedagogical Development and Lifelong Learning, 1(1), ep2003.


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